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Hi, I’m Jenna.
Your Revitalized Nutrition Dietitian!

Together, we’ll create a revitalized wellness plan that will address your nutrition concerns & individual nutrition-related needs; Designed to optimize your overall health in a step-by-step manner.

Are you ready to make the change?

Jenna Yelenosky, Owner & Founder

“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs.
but, rather, will cure and prevent disease with only nutrition.”

-Thomas A. Edison

I’m a Registered Dietitian
and I’m here to help you take back your health…

I started my career as a dietitian after receiving my Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition & Dietetics and successfully completing my Dietetic Internship Program at The University of North Florida. Since becoming an RD, I have gained extensive professional experience and knowledge in several nutrition-focused areas of practice, working in various professional settings including hospitals, outpatient treatment centers, and private practice.

I am passionate about providing nutrition education and counseling that promotes a healthy relationship with food and allows individuals to develop habits that cultivate lifelong health outcomes.

As a qualified RDN, I can use my expertise to provide you with proper nutrition and lifestyle guidance that will help guide you back to a healthier way of life.

If you’ve been struggling with your weight, relationship with food, low energy, digestive troubles, metabolic health issues, or other nutrition-related problems such as basic meal planning, contact me or book a complimentary discovery call!

dark haired lady eating a stem of broccoli in a neutral contemporary modern kitchen at an island.

What My Clients Say…

“A dietitian & a friend what more can I say? Jenna has so much patience and truly listens to all my nutrition concerns and challenges to me every time we speak. Jenna really understood my habits, my family routine & along with that helped me figure out the dietary habits that work best for me and my individual goals.”

FL, USA, 2022

Revitalized Body,
Revitalized Mind…

• Featuring products I love…
• Undeniably tasty but healthy recipes that the whole family will love!
• Insider knowledge, the truth behind what you consume every day…
• How to help keep your health on track with good food & healthy habits!